The tiny port of Hyogo, soon better known as Kobe, is opened to foreign trade
Japan begins using the Western calendar and a modified traditional Japanese era calendar
Yukichi Fukuzawa, writer, educator and founder of Keio University, is born in Osaka
The samurai’s right to be the only armed force is abolished, and conscription is started
The Japanese Village exhibition, featuring 100 Japanese inhabitants, opens in London
The first elementary school based on Japan’s new educational system is established
The Asahi Shimbun daily newspaper starts publication at its head office in Osaka
Japan’s first electric railway opened in Kyoto
Official opening of the Kobe-Kyoto stretch of the Tokaido Main line
Japan starts the Russo-Japanese War with a surprise attack at Port Arthur
Nara Park, among the first public parks in Japan, is established in Nara City
Birth of American art historian Ernest Fenollosa who helped preserve traditional Japanese art
Oura Cathedral, a Roman Catholic church in Nagasaki, is dedicated
Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun starts Japan’s first Japanese language daily newspaper
The Japanese government removes anti-Christian edicts
A new law forces Ainu to become Japanese citizens
The first Christian church founded by Japanese in modern times
Nagasaki’s Hidden Christians approach Catholic priest Bernard-Thadée Petitjean
The first of 3,020 cherry trees gifted by Japan are planted in Washington
The Japanese government forbids samurai to wear swords
Boutique photo agency for vintage photographs, art and prints, and maps of Japan between the 1860s and 1930s (Meiji, Taisho, early Showa).
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