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80717-0004 - Amidabashi Bridge


Nagasaki Meiji 1880s Kozaburo Tamamura

Amidabashi (Amida Bridge) over Zeniyagawa (Zeniya River, nowadays called Nakashimagawa), Nagasaki, 1880s. Behind the bridge the white wall of the residence of famed photographer Hikoma Ueno, built in 1882 (Meiji 15), can be seen.

Another shot of this location is 70523-0009 – Amidabashi Bridge. For more information on this location, see the blog entry.

Kjeld Duits Collection
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Amidabashi, Kozaburo Tamamura, Kyushu, Nagasaki, Nakashimagawa, Zeniyagawa, architecture, bridges, cities, engineering, rivers, stone bridges
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