Tokyo | Taisho | 1910s | Ueda Studio |
Prostitutes behind a harimise show window (張見世) in the Yukaku (遊郭, red light district) of Yoshiwara in Tokyo. Prostitutes from less expensive brothels were seated, without moving or speaking, behind wooden latticed windows. Founded in 1617, Yoshiwara was destroyed by fire in 1913 and 1923, but remained licensed until 1958, when prostitution was officially abolished. The area now houses expensive “soap lands”, the modern Japanese monicker for brothel. See blog entry. |
Kjeld Duits Collection | ProstitutionWomen | ||
Find similar: Tokyo, Ueda Studio, Yoshiwara, Yukaku, brothels, entertainment, harimise, occupations, prostitutes, prostitution, social issues, trafficking, women, work |
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